[LeWeb’14] Tweet sur l’intervention de @jmcquivey
@moctarkane > To introduice the wearable computing panel, James L. McQuivey,Forrester Research, really talks with his body!
Early wearables like fitness trackers were focused and functional or like Google Glass experimental at best. Coming into 2015, however, wearables are poised to take off.
@moderev > #Wearables panels now w/: @jmcquivey @jgownder @forrester, @cedhutch @Withings, @stephanemarceau @OMsignal, @davidrose @DittoLabs
@forrester > Mobile is about to explode! @jmcquivey opens the future of #wearables trend session
@LNDblog #Forrester Research unveiling exclusive report on wearables
@LexBZ > #Forrester is talking about sensors in our bodies @leweb you are already ahead of the game #chipped
@Thomas_Husson > 21% of Europeans get tired of pulling their phone out of their pocket all the time according to @Forrester data #leweb
@ConnectedStuffs > 10% des Américains utilisent des trackers d’activités ! #LeWeb #IOT
@DanaBrussels > Only 4% of Europeans use fitness trackers daily. But 32% of European online adults are intrigued by wearable devices
@LaetitiaBucari > Wearable computing : a market larger than we think – consumers interested in devices for all parts of the body…
@forrester > Wearables where on your body? The wrist leads the way for 42% US and 36% EU consumers
@matt_barrie > Businesses see clear ROI on work wearables. Interest level comparable to mobile in 2010
@chriscomanu > Businesses and individuals demand wearable devices urgently. 52 % or executives believe it is a priority
@simplycomm > @Barclaycard in the UK let customers make payments through their #wearables devices
@matt_barrie > Endgame for wearables are services for the all-body network. #LeWeb Siri will integrate with Beats and your iPhone.
@pestoverde > Interest in wearable devices: wrist 43% (was 28% in 2013), earbud 21% (12%), glasses 18% (12%): @forrester
@audreyghozael > 40% of US / 21% of european people are tired of pulling Out their phone Out of their pocket all The Time
@IvanHernandez_ > « #Wearables is not about devices. It’s about services that take data to the cloud, analyze it and give valuable feedback. » @jgownder
@mheberard > David Rose, chercheur, ne parle pas d’objets connectés mais d' »enchanted objects »
@AdrienChl > With #Wearables at #leweb (services to and from the cloud; seperating hype from reality) #Leweb2014 and internet of the objects
@ABridgwater > Five key functions wearables must have
Who I am
Where I am
What I need
How I feel
How I react
@airofmelty > Everyday, 1.8B photos are shared on social media, while @DittoLabs reads them for brand-marketers
@prlvx > «Wearables need not to be dropables.» True and catchy, @Withings.
@Acuity_Design > Wearables play at transitions from intimate to public, social to individual & physical to digital #leweb #SensoryUX
@simplycomm > Wearables should be truly wearable not ‘droppable’ – @Withings’ @cedhutch on the relevance of a minimalist style of smart watches
@tumaku_ > « Wearables » is not be a synonym of « dropables » (objects that you stop using after a couple of weeks) #leweb @cedhutch @withings
@mheberard > @stephanemarceau prédit que dans le futur on ne se posera même pas la question : tous les vêtements seront connectés. #prévision
@FoodJoyKarin > And implants? RT @forrester Wearables where on your body? The wrist leads the way for 42% US / 36% EU consumer #
@papadimitriou > “Wearables shouldn’t be a synonym of dropables that you quickly stop using”
@nschobinger > @GoogleVentures David Rose at #LeWeb: trend in wearables to one-dimensionize information. Visual, audio or haptic.
@moctarkane > Cedric Hutchings, CEO and Co-founder Withings, showing his watch, wants « wearable but not droppable products »
@no10agency > 54% of people said to be concerned by privacy issues about wearables technologies but users purchase are all about convience!