La version payante d’ « Angry Birds » a été téléchargé plus de 7 millions de fois, explication..
Can you tell us about the activities of Rovio Mobile?
Right now, we are very busy providing updates for Angry Birds and bringing it out to new platforms.
Why do you think Angry Birds is a success?
The appeal of Angry Birds goes beyond every possible demographic boundary: the game is equally accessible and attractive to young and old, girls and boys, men and women alike. The game has an original, unique and engaging back story, memorable characters and simple but surprising gameplay. The success of Angry Birds is not based on chance alone: the team paid great attention on every detail and focused on every aspect in equal measure to get everything right.
Do you have statistics on the game (Angry Birds)?
Currently, the paid full version of the game has been downloaded over 7 million times. The free Lite version has been downloaded 11 million times. The game is out on iPhone, Nokia N900 and Palm Pre, and the Android and Symbian^3 versions are coming very soon. When the beta-version of Angry Birds Lite was released on Android, it was downloaded over 100,000 times during the first day, and over 250,000 times over the first weekend.
How do you see the future of mobile gaming and iPad?
Today’s touch screen smartphones have really changed the playing field for mobile gaming. We see that mobile gaming will keep on growing, and the iPad is paving the way for even more tablet computers. iPad is a great gaming platform, and it will definitely be interesting to see more devices coming out from different manufacturers with different platforms and see how they fare in comparison to the iPad. We believe in the proliferation of mobile gaming, and want our games to be available for everybody, on every platform.