[LeWeb’14] Tweet sur l’intervention de @timberners_lee
It is incredibly rare to be able to meet and listen to an individual who has changed the way that billions of people live and communicate.
It is incredibly rare to be able to meet and listen to an individual who has changed the way that billions of people live and communicate. We are honored that Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web is able to join us at LeWeb.
@chrismichel > A great @leweb moment: @loic interviews Sir @timberners_lee. #lewebmoment (Photos ci-dessus)
@WLOBROWN > Tim Berners Lee speaking at 100 miles an hour at Le Web.
@girlygeekdom > Sir Tim Berners-Lee is talking live at #leweb and we got the opportunity to interview him about the birth of the web!
@junebre If you just take your magazine and put it in an app, it is boring.You loose me interacting. Native apps are boring says T.Berners-Lee
@Bitwip > « Native apps are boring »
@yannruello > Tim Berners-Lee « native apps are boring. We need to fight against apps silos and walled gardens »
@dhillonkir > @timberners_lee « we are moving to a new architecture where we control our own data »
@metamedia > « nous devons insister sur la neutralité du net!! » #leweb
@CocoCourtois > @timberners_lee We wanted people to think about the web’s future, #Snowden helped that. Now we focus on #NetNeutrality
@laurentlafite > Sir Tim Berners Lee the structure of our existing society kills privacy @timberners_lee but we should have rules
@laurentlafite > Sir Tim Berners Lee the right to be forgotten is ok if the info is false otherwise i m not ok
@mathildsl Tim Berners Lee @ #leweb – c’est avoir une pauvre idee de l’humanité que de croire qu’on n’a pas besoin de privacy
@el_torvo > Like .@timberners_lee, I can’t wait for the time when lawmakers will know how code works.
@nschobinger > ‘right to get forgotten’ only ok for ‘lies’ or statements eg destroying your existence. Not overly enthusiastic!
@christopherufin « I’m afraid that a stream of consciousness would be done by just a few lines of code on top of everything else.. » via @timberners_lee
@rosa_garriga « In fast trading companies people can’t apply for jobs, they are only for computers. » Sir Tim Berners-Lee
@CebisuResearchR > @timberners_lee view on AI it is coming it has parts of the brain attention directing algorithm #leweb ( Lisa program?)
@ConnectedStuffs > C’est très facile pour une intelligence artificielle de nous comprendre et de nous connaître. Sauf qu’elle, elle se souvient de tout.
@frenchweb: > « Le droit à l’oubli est légitime si l’information que l’on demande de supprimer est fausse », précise Tim Berners-Lee
@franckperrier > « le droit a l’oubli est un concept dangereux qui peut modifier l’Histoire »
@mbwmn > @timberners_lee shares his thoughts on the future of web: control your own data, more rules & regulation.
@thepaulcurran > « I’ve got a horrible feeling that a stream of consciousness will become a few lines of code. » @timberners_lee
@brokenbottleboy > Sir Tim Berners-Lee @leweb: “The robots are already here and they’re called corporations.”
@jonblock > Tim Berners-Lee on the Singularity – it’s already happening, corporations are becoming pseudo-AI entities and are given human rights
@simplycomm > There is huge amount of content on the web. We will never stop fighting for it to be open » @timberners_lee
@FTVEN > #leweb [Tim Berners-Lee] « In 25 years, the environment will be different but the brain will be the same »
@CebisuResearchR > @timberners_lee vision of 25 years: we will have more smaller pixels with higher resolutions environment will be diff our brain same #leweb
@christopherufin > « Everytime you build an app, you build part of the society. Think about the social implications » via @timberners_lee