[LeWeb’14] Tweet sur l’intervention de @fredwilson
Fred Wilson has been a venture capitalist since 1987. He currently is a managing partner at Union Square Ventures and also founded Flatiron Partners.
@quentinn > Very interesting conversation on valuation, trends. uber as an example of disruptive innovation #leweb Fred Wilson (Photos ci-dessus)
@papadimitriou > “Breakout companies tend to capture a very large share of their market” —@fredwilson
@Thomas_Husson > @fredwilson finds Uber’s valuation at $40bn normal. #leweb
@nicocelier > Beg for forgiveness rather than ask for permission when you enter and disrupt a market dixit @fredwilson
@adamwoodsaus > Interesting point by @fredwilson about Uber. Basically he thinks they will have to become better corporate citizens as they mature. #leweb
@nxtstop1 > Wilson:Wearables r part of ‘personal mesh'(of data)incl devices & sensors near you~detect sleep patterns &implantables #leweb
@metamedia > « des voitures sans conducteur dans 5 ans si les gens en veulent » : plus une question de volonté que de techno #leweb
@Altaide_JF > Selon @FredWilson #leweb dans le futur, parler à des ordinateurs deviendra courant. «Nous le faisons déjà dans nos voitures !»
@CorseForPro > @fredwilson le problème c’est que normalement la chance n’a pas sa place là, quand il y a un peu de méthode et de réflexion
@laura_monney > @fredwilson says there is little risk of losing regulated taxis- they will learn to co-exist with ber throughout most of the world. #leweb »
@inkolas > « En tant qu’entrepreneur, si vous demandez toujours l’autorisation, on vous répondra toujours non »
@matt_barrie > « We could have driverless cars within five years if humans wanted. But the behavioral switch is going to be a problem. » @fredwilson
@FGraillot > A valuation of 20x revenue is not irrational for companies that double their turnover each year.
@giovannidepaola > venture capitalist @FredWilson on regulation: the problem is that now governments want to do what Google and Facebook are doing #leweb
@rdethiersant > « we like companies who are going straight to the consumers bypassing existing system »
@simplycomm > « The sharing economy is no longer an emerging trend. It is now a real thing. »
@vulicvladimir > « #Bitcoin was all the rage last year, and now nobody is talking about it. I like that. It makes investing easier.